At LAG Auto, we are committing to compliance of all government mandates, including the Bill S 211
ensuring Canadian companies uphold ethical standards in supply chain. As a responsible corporate
entity operating within Canada, we recognize the importance of upholding human rights and ethical
standards throughout our supply chain. Our commitment to ethical sourcing practices aligns with the
objectives of Bill S-211, and we have implemented various policies and procedures to ensure compliance
with its provisions. Our compliance relies on the manufacturers we work with to ensure they source
parts and manufacture their vehicles in an ethical standard and provide full disclosure of areas or risk
and practices for mitigation. Our assurance of compliance stems from discussions conducted with these
manufacturers, with each one presenting their own report, fully aligned with Bill S 211.

Navigating the intricate supply chains inherent in the automotive industry presents unique challenges,
particularly concerning the visibility and oversight of upstream suppliers. As retailers, we rely on our
franchisors and primary suppliers to uphold ethical standards and ensure compliance with Bill S.211.
While our ability to directly audit these supply chains may be limited, we have confidence in the robust
Environmental and Social Governance programs implemented by our suppliers, which encompass the
requirements of Bill S.211. Additionally, our primary suppliers have affirmed their awareness of the
legislation and their dedication to meeting its stipulations.

At LAG Auto, we prioritize ethical sourcing practices and recognize the importance of partnering with
suppliers who share our commitment to fair labour practices and environmental sustainability. We place
trust in our suppliers' Environmental & Social Governance programs, which form a cornerstone of our
compliance efforts with Bill S.211.

We will continue to review and update policies and procedures to align with evolving best practices and
regulatory requirements. We are committed to transparent reporting and detailed disclosure in our
efforts to combat modern slavery. We will collaborate with stakeholders to leverage collective
resources and expertise in addressing these issues.

Kia Canada
Mitsubishi Canada
Nissan Canada
Hyundai Canada
Honda Canada

Les Landsperg